So we are moved into our new house. The move went really great, our youth kids helped a ton! We have such a great group of kids. We had been storing our stuff in our neighbor's garage at the time. The day of our move, the moving truck was at our apartment so we could load all the big pieces. Instead of waiting for the truck, our youth kids decided to walk boxes, tubs, toys, etc down to our house, 2 houses down. It was right in the heat of the day so they were all dripping sweat and were so tired. But what servant's hearts they have!
We had a great week with them, worshipping the Lord together at the "Event" in Branson. About 2,000 teens came to worship the one true God! David Nasser spoke to us about God's teachings, and Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman led us in worship. What a great week!
We missed Lyndlee and Gavin but they had a great time at grandma and grandpa's house. In fact, Gavin became known as the "button boy" because whenever my mom would try to work on the computer, he would go and turn it off. He didn't want to share her with anyone and demanded to be held the whole time. My poor sweet mom's arms had to be aching all week long! Lyndlee loved being at my parent's house with all the different animals they have.
This past few weeks we have had numerous family & friends helping unpack, clean and paint. We are so blessed.
The house looks great! We kept the kids in the same room, they just really enjoy being together at night, and I think it helps them both with their nightmares and waking up. Mama Bev said, "that is great, after all they were used to 20 brothers and sisters at the home" The other room we turned into a playroom which is so handy with all the extra kids I watch during the week too.
Update on our family:
Brennan- What an awesome hubby I have, such a servant. He has been keeping busy getting youth stuff together for the fall start up. Also getting things together for our new small group we will be leading starting end of August on parenting. He is such a great daddy and I love watching him with Lyndlee and Gavin!
Janna- Busy with keeping the house in order with Gavin taking everything apart! hehe. I love him and can't imagine my life without him, he keeps me so busy though. Loving being at home with my Lyndlee and Gavin and loving being able to watch some other sweet babies to help pay some bills and contribute to our family! Really enjoying watching Lyndlee learn everyday and talk more and more.
Lyndlee- Talking so much now, I talk my mom's ears off she says! Just got a train table for the playroom so I am loving that. And I am loving horses and talk about them all the time!
Gavin- Busy getting into everything. I wake up at 6am smiling, giggling and ready for the day and don't stop until my nap! I love my sister Lyndlee and just want to always be next to her.
Here are a few pictures!
God bless!