As I write, Lyndlee is busy pretending to be a cat, Gavin is walking around everywhere/getting into everything, and Brennan is busy making dinner. I am blessed beyond words. I love my family.
This past week:
Brennan: has been busy with the youth and planning our big youth trip at the end of july. have i mentioned i have a great husband. he took the youth boys on a float trip. i loved hearing all about it when we got home and all the funny things the youth boys did too. he loves pouring his life into the lives of these great kids and i love serving alongside him.
Janna: this week has been crazy, consisting of mostly packing any spare time i get. i love being a wife and mommy.
Lyndlee: is talking like crazy in sentences and she is learning so much. she loves to pretend to be animals and loves to go swimming. she is very excited about her new house and all the boxes in the apartment right now.
Gavin: he is all boy. he tackles anyone that is sitting on the floor, i mean tackles them to the ground and laughs. he is walking everywhere now, but when he falls, he makes this funny sound like he is so disappointed he fell. he says "thank you" now and trying to say "please" what a sweet baby boy.
My family is so good at changes. Lyndlee has had a lot of changes in her young life from living in Taiwan, Haiti, Columbia, Mo. Joplin and now Branson. We do love to say how she is only 3 years old and has already lived in 3 different countries and has heard 3 different languages! She did great when we brought Gavin home in January and Gavin has done great with all the changes of living in America. Our family is such a perfect fit, a forever family, brought together by God! And now we are packing up again and moving to our new house, only a few minutes away from our apartment though. and my kids do not mind changes and that is such a blessing. I thank God for all these changes, for all the things we have learned along the way, for all the blessings, for all the trials, for the changes that are still to come because changes always come my friends and i get excited for them! I can't wait to see how He works in our lives and how He uses us!
In all of these changes, I have learned I very much dislike clutter and having too many things because honestly it creates too much to pack but also, those are just things of this world and they do not really matter in the end. Honestly, I never really have felt at home, really have felt settled. This is something that my best friend and I talk about so much. And sometimes I think, you know just maybe we aren't supposed to feel settled and to have this earth feel as our home ever. After all, this is not our home, and this is not where we will be spending the rest of our life. Oh how I can't wait for that day, to be with our Lord and not have any of this material stuff of the world, just being with the one True King Jesus! What a glorious day!
One day when heaven
Is filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as it could be
Jesus came forth to
Be born of a virgin
Dwelt among man my example is He
Living He loves me
Dying He saves me
Buried He carry my sin far away
Rising He justify
We live forever
One day He's coming
Oh, Glorious Day
Oh, Glorious Day
One day they lead Him
Up calvaries mountain
One day they nailed Him
To die on a tree
Suffering anguish
Despised and rejected
Bearing my sins my redeemer is He
One day the grave could sealed Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He a rose over Death He had conquered
Now is ascended
My lord forever more
One day the trumpet will
Sound for His coming
One day the sky with His
Glories will shine
Wonderful day
My beloved once bring
Glorious Savior is Jesus is mine.