Matthew 22:37-39

Matthew 22:37-39

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Week

So I decided to steal an idea from a good friend's blog, thanks Nate!
Each month I will post things about each person in our family, highlights, picture or just a funny story.
So here goes.

I have a great husband that keeps me smiling and laughing. Friday morning he woke up and said, okay I will windex all the windows on friday and dust on Saturday! I love how he helps with the kids and around the house. I am blessed.
Celtics' win a was success for him this week along with Lost Finale. Also he loved the new restaurant we tried, way to go Panda House.

Lost Season Finale on Sunday! It was great and sad at the same time, although I wasn't too thrilled how it ended but what can you do. Strange that we have been watching it for 6 years and probably won't be watching anything else on TV now. Somedays I feel like I am loosing my mind with all the extra kids I watch. But I love it too, a couple days last week I had 6 kids under the age of 4 in my house! Come on Phoenix Suns please win tonight so that you can beat the Celtics.

Lyndlee cracks us up all the time. She is loving Mickey Mouse and watches all the old ones on Brennan's computer. She is talking so much more. Gavin just now fell so she decided to say "Gavin fell and broke his head" I mean this girl can put sentences together now and is learning so much.

This sweet boy hates drive thru's. I mean those of you who have met him, you know he doesn't cry or fuss much. But when we hit a drive thru, he sobs and starts shaking because he is so scared. I usually have to end up crawling in the back with him to hold his hand. Not going to lie friends, when we went to the Panda House this week, and he saw the sweet Asian lady through the window, he did not cry. So funny.

We, as a family, have been praying and thinking about all the teachers in Haiti traveling home to the states today. We love you all and miss you. Have a great summer and can't wait to meet up with some of you soon! Hope all you students have a great summer, we love and miss you all! Hoping to see you all soon too.

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