Hello everyone!
Well the start of a new week & we are just praying we can all get better soon.
Lyndlee was seen by a doctor again last week & we were told she had scarlet fever. But the fever finally broke praise the Lord, now she is starting to peel at her fingers, toes, knees & elbows which is apart of scarlet fever. She seems to be getting better each day but now I seem to have a little something. We are just praying it isn't strep throat.
We finished up first quarter grades, hard to believe time has gone by that fast here.
We enjoyed a nice weekend & had some great family time. We are looking forward to a Halloween party we are having this Friday night at a teachers house. We don't have costumes but Lyndlee will be going as a Chinese girl since we have her dress from Taiwan with us! We will post pictures later of that!
Funny story from this week, we went to the 7 eleven to buy some more powder milk for Lyndlee & were also excited to see some apples there! When we were paying, the cashier asked if Lyndlee was my baby, I said yes! She said oh no, you lie to me. She just kept saying that so I tried to explain she is my baby, that we adopted her from Taiwan. Not for sure if she really understood! It gave us good laughs though.
We are so thankful to be here in Haiti, continue to pray that we can all start feeling better. Continue to pray for all teachers & students here at Sonlight.
A praise, the boat did leave Miami last week, should be here soon in Haiti with our new generator & packages from friends & family. It will feel like Christmas in October!
Much love,
Janna, Brennan & Lyndlee Jya-Ying