So we had our first week of school, we had only 3 days this week. It went great. We were nervous at first but all went well.
I love my students, all 32 of them! They keep me busy, I have been so overwhelmed this week with emotions. They have brought me such joy already! They make me pictures everyday, they always greet me with a kiss & say goodbye with a kiss/hug. One student had a birthday this week, her name is Baldine. The next morning, she brought me a piece of cake wrapped in a cloth. I thanked her & asked her if she had gotten a birthday gift. She told me her cake was her present & that she wanted to bring me a piece. I started crying & just kissed her! And when my students pray, oh I cry than too! We pray in the mornings, before snack & before we leave for the day. One day my student named Lovena prayed before snack & this is what she said: Dear Jesus, thank you for this bread, thank you for this peanut butter, thank you for my cup of water. Jesus I love you, please love me, Amen.
They are so precious, so grateful for what they have, so content!
Brennan has really enjoyed teaching at the Bible College & getting to know his students there. Lyndlee goes to preschool in the mornings for an hour & loves it. Her teachers says somedays she will sit with the kids & listen, other times she wanders around the room! All we know is that when Brennan picks her up & takes her home, she is so happy & hyper. She will sing & say different things! She also is very big on cleaning lately from watching our maid. And she also is wanting to be a teacher I think. She always wants a pen & paper to draw & talk with! I think she has watched us too much at night as we sit with our books to make our lesson plans up!
We have had several hurricanes pass through Haiti, if you are watching or paying attention to the news, I am sure you already know. We are safe, we get heavy winds/rains. There is flooding that happens here too but we are doing great.
We love it here in Haiti. We love the people. They are such loving, friendly hard working people & we have learned so much from them. We feel blessed to be here & ask that you continue to pray for us! Thank you, we pray you are all well!
Much love to you all!
Janna, Brennan & Lyndlee